Stitch Repair
Stitch Repair
Depending on where the rip is, a stitch repair is recommended in the centre of the fabric. It is not suitable for rips in places where there is a lot of friction (ie. knees, elbows, shoulders, crotch or butt).
By hand VS machine
By hand, the stitch repair can be done with the Ladder Stitch for an invisible repair or when a seam is ripped. If you want a visible repair, use the Overcast Stitch. Watch video on how to do it by hand
By machine, the Zigzag stitch is commonly used if the rip is in the middle of the fabric. A straight stitch is perfect for a ripped open seam. You can find these Stitches in the Academy here. If it is placed in the middle of the fabric. Or with a straight stitch when a seam is ripped open. Watch video on how to do it by machine
More videos for a stitch Repair
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